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Ethos & Values


Click here to read our Intent Statement


Our Values and Key Themess

Values are principles that drive our behaviour.  They influence our relationships with others and they determine the way we behave.  We want Diamond Wood Community  Academy to be a school where children and adults experience values in a positive way.  All Governors, staff, parents and pupils discussed which values are important to them and agreed on our list of 5 key values.


Each Value is introduced at the beginning of each half term in an Assembly, Value Posters are displayed in all classrooms and shared ideas, activities are planned to reinforce the principles of the value and the information is shared with parents via Newsletters.


Click here to read our Values and Key Themes Overview

Our Core Values underpin everything we do!




Friendship is an act of giving to others.
Learning to be a true friend means facing yourself, observing your actions and attitudes to others - this takes great courage.
The only way to find a friend is to be one.


 Respect is feeling good about myself.
Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable.
Respect is knowing I am lovable and capable.
Respect is listening to others.
Respect is knowing others are valuable too.
Respect is treating others nicely.

Honesty is telling what really happened.
Honesty is telling the truth.
When I feel honest, I feel clear inside.
When I am honest, I can learn and help others lean to be giving.

Co-operation is everyone helping to get something done.
Co-operation is working together toward a common goal.
Co-operation is working together with patience and affection.


Responsibility is doing my job.
Responsibility is caring.
Responsibility is trying my best.
Responsibility is doing my share of the work.
Responsibility is taking are of things.
Responsibility is helping others when they need help.
Responsibility is being fair.
Responsibility is helping to make a better world.