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Geography at Diamond Wood

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we will provide children with a rich,

vocabulary based and experiential Geography curriculum. 

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we believe that a quality Geography curriculum should develop children’s curiosity and appreciation for the world around them. We aim to inspire children’s admiration of our world, with particular focus to the community we live in, in turn developing children who are conscious about respecting and protecting their environment. We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in Geography, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the curriculum. Alongside this, we hope to build children’s Geographical vocabulary to equip them with the language to talk confidently about our world. 

Click here to read our full Geography Vision and Intent statement.

A high-quality geography education should inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascinations about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources, and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understandings of the interactions between physical and human processes and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding, and skills provide the framework and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected, and changed over time.

National Curriculum (2014)

Position Statement

We are constantly striving to improve our Geography Curriculum in order to ensure our intended and implemented teaching and learning opportunities have the maximum impact upon pupil outcomes. 

Click here  to read our position statement and find out about our areas for development this year.

Geography Timetable

Here at Diamond Wood, we teach Geography as a discrete subject in Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1). The pupils participate in lessons every fortnight. During the week they do not have a discrete lesson they are taught History. However, Geography retrieval sessions will take place too.

In Nursery and Reception (EYFS) pupils have at least three dedicated key worker sessions  or inputs focusing specifically on 'Understanding the World' each half term. During each half term, additional opportunities for children to develop and consolidate their learning are provided during their continuous and enhanced provision time, both indoors and outdoors.

Geography Leader

Our Geography Leader is Mr Saiyed. He is also a Year 2 teacher and is very passionate about providing high quality geography learning experiences for all pupils.

If you would like to speak to Mr Saiyed, email and address the email to him specifically.

Geography Policy

We have developed and produced a Geography Policy to ensure our values are applied consistently, define clear expectations, and help provide a framework for staff and pupils alike.

Please click here to view our Geography Curriculum policy which has been updated for the academic year 2024-2025.

Statutory Requirements

The National Curriculum for geography sets out the statutory guidance for teaching geography to KS1 pupils. Our geography curriculum has been designed to ensure that children learn the required knowledge and skills set out by the National Curriculum for geography. 

To view the statutory guidance for geography click here.


The Early Years Foundation Stage framework provides guidance for teachers focusing on developing children's geographical awareness and knowledge within the Early Years (Nursery and Reception). The main areas for learning which are focused upon to provide the building blocks for future 'geography' learning are as follows;

  • Understanding the World: The Natural World
  • Understanding the World: People, Cultures and Communities

For more information on how these areas of learning have been built into our geography curriculum please see our progression map below.

Geographical Association

As a school we have subscribed to the Geographical Association. The Geographical Association (GA) is the leading subject association for teachers of geography. The subject leader for Geography receives regular updates from them and attends relevant training courses which support him as a leader and in turn the teaching of Geography within school. All staff members are able to access their website for support themselves.

To find out more click here.

Our Geography Long Term Plan

To download this as a document please click here.

Substantive and Disciplinary Concepts

To download this as a document please click here.

Geography Progression Map

Our geography curriculum progression map has been designed to show how we intend to teach our pupils the substantive, disciplinary and vocabulary knowledge we aim for them to learn, know, remember and do by the end of their time with us here at Diamond Wood.


In designing this progression map we have consulted with our local feeder schools and settings in order to ensure our pupils experiences before and after coming to our school allow for progression of knowledge and skills to be built upon and continue.


The progression map allows all staff and key stakeholders in school to have a secure understanding of end of year expectations for all year groups.


In addition to using the progression map to guide teaching and learning, our geography subject leader creates half termly Medium Term Plans for all year groups. These plans clearly outline the sequence of teaching and learning which will take place during the particular unit of work (or planned opportunities in Nursery and Reception). This supports our educators in ensuring consistency in approach, opportunity and delivery across school, where we have four classes per year group.


The subject leader also creates and sources high quality resources which support the teaching and learning taking place. Our smartboard lesson aids provide additional planning notes and activity resources which can be accessed by any adults delivering lessons. This supports the continued professional development of our Educational Teaching Assistants, Cover Supervisors and also any supply teachers who work within school. Again, this ensures our high expectations are consistent across school at all times.

To view our geography curriculum progression map please click here.

To view our 'seasons' specific progression map please click here.

Key Vocabulary

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the crucial role that vocabulary plays in pupils’ learning and academic success. As such, we have developed a vocabulary progression map for each subject curriculum to ensure that all our pupils have a strong foundation in subject-specific vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the foundation upon which pupils build their understanding of different subjects. Tier 3 words, which are subject-specific terms, play a particularly significant role in deepening pupils’ knowledge and enabling them to access complex concepts effectively. By explicitly teaching and reinforcing Tier 3 words within each subject, we aim to:

  • Enhance pupils’ comprehension and communication skills.
  • Enable pupils to express themselves accurately and confidently in subject-specific contexts.
  • Facilitate pupils’ ability to independently access and understand subject materials.
  • Support pupils’ critical thinking by developing their subject-specific knowledge and expertise.
  • Improve pupils’ overall academic performance and raise attainment levels.

To view our Geography Key Vocabulary Glossary please click here.

Key Text Spine

We have developed a key text spine for each curriculum area in our school to enhance the integration of reading into all aspects of our pupils' learning experiences. By carefully selecting texts that align with specific subjects, we support comprehension and retention while making connections between literature and the curriculum.

These key texts will either be introduced within units of work to reinforce learning objectives or recommended by teachers as enjoyable reads for pupils. Each classroom features a designated reading area where these texts are readily accessible, ensuring that children have opportunities to engage with them at least weekly.

Through this initiative, we aim to foster a love of reading, encourage exploration of diverse literature, and build a vibrant reading community that supports essential literacy skills and a lifelong passion for learning.

To view our Key Text Spine for Geography click here.

Learn to speak like a Geographer...

Developing SMSC within our Geography Curriculum

Spiritual Development is nurtured within our geography curriculum by:

  • Encouraging curiosity and awe about the natural environment through fieldwork, visits, and exploring diverse geographical features.
  • Promoting reflection on the relationship between humans and the planet, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and responsibility.
  • Stimulating discussions and critical thinking about ethical dilemmas related to the environment and sustainable development.

Moral Development is fostered within our geography curriculum by:

  • Exploring ethical issues related to geographical patterns, such as the impact of human actions on the environment.
  • Encouraging pupils to consider their own moral responsibilities as global citizens and promoting respect for diverse perspectives and cultures.

Social Development is enhanced within our geography curriculum by:

  • Encouraging collaborative learning through group projects, discussions, and presentations, which enable pupils to explore different viewpoints and develop empathy.
  • Investigating the impact of human activities on communities worldwide, highlighting the importance of social justice, equality, and sustainable development.

Cultural Development is promoted within our geography curriculum by:

  • Exploring the diversity of cultures, traditions, and customs across different countries and continents.
  • Encouraging pupils to understand and appreciate the cultural contributions made by people from different backgrounds, fostering respect and tolerance.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils  to share their own cultural experiences and perspectives, fostering a sense of identity and pride

Developing the Protected Characteristics within our Geography Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we aim to provide learning opportunities that promote a positive understanding of different protected characteristics. We work towards this within our Geography Curriculum through various strategies, including storytelling, role-playing, and group discussions. Our curriculum has been designed to present diverse role models and positive contributions made by individuals with different protected characteristics. We also:

  • Ensure collaborative learning opportunities where pupils work with peers from different backgrounds and learn about each other's cultures and experiences.
  • Encourage pupils to question stereotypes, biases, and prejudices, fostering critical thinking skills.
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to explore and discuss issues related to equality, diversity, and inclusion where appropriate.
  • Ensure that teaching resources, including books, posters, maps, and online materials, promote diversity and represent a variety of protected characteristics.
  • Regularly review and update resources to reflect the ever-evolving cultural landscape and understanding of protected characteristics.
  • Provide additional resources for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities to ensure accessibility for all.

Developing British Values within our Geography Curriculum

British Values are embedded within our geography curriculum by:

  • Promoting the understanding and appreciation of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
  • Exploring the impact of British society and history on the global stage, multiculturalism, and contributions to environmental conservation.
  • Encouraging open and respectful discussions about controversial issues and providing opportunities for pupils to express their views in a safe and inclusive environment.

Enriching the Curriculum

As a school, we provide many opportunities to enrich our curriculum. Opportunities for enrichment are fully utilised, to ensure an inclusive and engaging Geography Curriculum. This is supported through a number of links with places of geographical interest in the immediate and wider locality which engage the children further through contextual and practical learning activities. Our geography curriculum is closely aligned with our science curriculum, outdoor learning curriculum, and eco schools work. By creating meaningful connections between these subjects, we aim to enhance our pupils' knowledge, skills, and attitudes, while promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.

Links to the Science Curriculum

The Natural World

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the inherent relationship between geography and science, particularly in relation to the natural world. Through observations, investigations, and fieldwork, EYFS and KS1 pupils explore:

  • The features and characteristics of different environments, such as forests, rivers, and mountains.
  • Plant and animal habitats, including identifying and classifying local flora and fauna.
  • The effects of seasonal changes on landscapes and living organisms.

By engaging in hands-on experiences, our pupils develop scientific skills, such as making predictions, collecting data, and drawing conclusions, while also developing geographical knowledge and understanding.

Environmental Awareness and Sustainability

Our geography and science curricula emphasise the importance of environmental awareness and sustainability. Through age-appropriate projects and activities, our pupils:

  • Investigate the impact of human activity on the environment and explore ways to minimise negative effects.
  • Learn about recycling, reducing waste, and conserving energy.
  • Engage in discussions about global issues, such as climate change and deforestation.

Through these integrated approaches, our pupils develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and an understanding of their role in ensuring a sustainable future. To find out more please click here to access our dedicated Science subject page.

Links to the Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum

Practical Fieldwork

Our outdoor learning curriculum provides hands-on experiences that enhance our geography curriculum. EYFS and KS1 pupils engage in various outdoor activities, such as:

  • Exploring the local community to identify geographical elements, such as landmarks, human features, and transportation systems.
  • Conducting fieldwork to investigate geographical concepts, such as mapping and weather patterns.
  • Engaging in outdoor play that promotes spatial awareness, problem-solving, and teamwork.

These experiences enable our pupils to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, enhance their understanding of geography, and develop a deep connection with their surroundings.

Sensory Learning

Outdoor learning facilitates sensory experiences that complement our EYFS and KS1 geography curriculum. Pupils have opportunities to:

  • Observe and describe natural features, such as soil, plants, and bodies of water.
  • Listen to and identify sounds associated with different environments.
  • Feel and explore different textures and natural materials.

By integrating sensory learning into geography lessons, we encourage a holistic understanding of the world, enabling our pupils to develop their observational and descriptive skills. To find out more please click here to access our dedicated 'Wild Passport' webpage.

Links to our Eco School work

Promoting Environmental Stewardship

Through our Eco School work, we instil in our pupils a sense of environmental stewardship and empower them to make positive changes in their school and local community. Our integrated approach involves:

  • Identifying and addressing environmental issues through data collection, research, and action plans.
  • Promoting sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting biodiversity.
  • Developing partnerships with local organisations and engaging in community initiatives focused on environmental conservation.

The synergy between our geography curriculum and eco schools work fosters a deep understanding of environmental issues and equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills to become responsible global citizens. To find out more please click here to access our dedicated Eco Schools webpage.

Carry My Story 

Carry My Story Carry My Story is a Kirklees school-linking programme which provides the opportunity for children to explore their own identities and learn about others. The children are visited by local people who come into school to ‘tell their story’ and explain how they are a part of their community. This not only supports the children’s learning and development but also helps to create strong community links. Geography is the study of the world around us – the places, people, and things that make up our planet. By connecting with children from different schools, we learn about different places and cultures. This helps us develop our geography skills, which is a part of our learning in school. Learning about our own identity and connecting with children from different schools through school linking experiences is a fantastic way to develop our geography skills. By exploring different places and cultures, we learn so much about the world around us and our own place in it. Click here to visit our dedicated CMS webpage and find out more about it in action at DWCA.

Language of the Half Term

Our Language of the Half-term initiative provides additional opportunities for children to develop and deepen their geographical knowledge, understanding, and vocabulary. Although the focus is primarily on learning about different languages, there are of course planned opportunities to explore place and locational knowledge specifically. The languages selected reflect the different heritages of our pupils and their families. All classrooms have a world map displayed. Teachers are responsible for making sure all resources are up to date. The class map which is displayed is viewed as a ‘working’ display that supports children’s geographical learning in school. All of the significant people and places they learn about are highlighted on the map. Post-it notes are also added that include samples of pupil voice. Comments may be added about what children know, what can they remember, and when they learned about that person or place. Click here to visit our dedicated Language of the Half Term webpage and find out more about it in action at DWCA.

Helping from Home

Encourage Curiosity

Foster your child's curiosity about the world by discussing their observations, asking open-ended questions, and encouraging them to explore maps, globes, and atlases at home.

Visit Local Places of Interest

Take your child to local parks, landmarks, or historical sites, discussing the geographical features and significance of these places. Encourage them to observe and compare different environments

Practical Fieldwork Experiences

Plan family outings that involve practical fieldwork, such as beach trips, nature walks, or visits to farms. Encourage your child to observe and record their findings, using basic geographical language

Use Maps and Atlases

Explore maps and atlases together, helping your child identify continents, countries, cities, and bodies of water. Teach them how to use keys, symbols, and directions on maps to locate places

Discuss Current Events

Engage in discussions about current events happening around the world, encouraging your child to develop an awareness of different cultures, climates, and environments. Use appropriate news articles or videos to stimulate conversation

Support Homework Tasks

Assist your child with any geography-related homework tasks, providing guidance and resources as necessary. Encourage them to take pride in their work and produce neat and accurate representations.

Encourage Reading and Research

Provide access to age-appropriate books, magazines, and websites that explore different geographical topics. Support your child in researching specific areas of interest and encourage them to present their findings creatively.

Attend School Events

Attend school workshops, parent-teacher meetings, and curriculum showcase events related to Geography. Engage with the school community and share your own geographical knowledge and experiences.

Communication with Teachers

Maintain open lines of communication with your child's class teacher, seeking feedback on their progress in Geography and discussing ways you can further support their learning at home.

Supporting Global Awareness

Encourage your child to understand and appreciate cultural diversity through discussions, storytelling, and celebrating festivals from different parts of the world. Foster a sense of global citizenship.


By actively engaging with your child's Geography education and implementing these strategies, you will play a vital role in supporting their learning in this subject area. Together, we can ensure their development as well-rounded and informed individuals.

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of this subject in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

You can look at some highlights from last year (2023-2024) by clicking here.

If you would like to know any more information about our Geography Curriculum here at

Diamond Wood please do not hesitate to get in touch.