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We are an Eco School!

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we pride ourselves on our commitment to making the world a better place for all. We are passionate about engaging all pupils, staff and families in environmental education and action. In order to support us on this journey, we are supported by Eco Schools and The Ministry of Eco Education. Eco Schools is a charity organisation which provides a simple, seven-step framework that guides, empowers and motivates pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond.  The MEE brings together all the best sustainability teaching resources available into one cohesive and holistic curriculum for all primary schools in Britain. 

We are extremely proud to have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation four times, which recognises, rewards and celebrates the environmental achievements of our school and young learners. This year we were awarded a distinction which is the highest level of Green Flag Award.  During this academic year (2023-2024), we will be working towards renewing this accreditation. In order to do this, we have designed a bespoke curriculum that embeds the Eco Schools principals within all areas of school life. We have also have an established Eco Council to support us on our mission and ensure that the agenda is continuously of a high priority within all areas of school. We are part of the Ministry of Eco Education and the Let’s go Zero campaign.  We were the runners up in the Arthur Halliwell award 2023 and received a copy of the Wild Passport which we will be using to further enhance out outdoor and Eco curriculum.

We are a Fairtrade school and understand the importance of choosing Fairtrade products to support farmers for fairness and equality, against some of the biggest challenges the world faces. 

To find out more about Eco Schools please click here to visit their website.

A very important message from our Eco Council...

Our Eco Council reviewed last years action plan and have chosen to focus on the following priorities this year:

Healthy Living

School Grounds


Click here to download the long-term plan as a document.

Our Eco Leader

Our Eco School Leader is Mrs Tombling. She is has a vast amount of experience and is extremely passionate about making the world a better place for all.

If you would like to speak to Mrs Tombling, please email and address the email to her specifically.

National Award Winner!

Did you know that Mrs Tombling is a TES National Teaching Award winner for all of her Eco Schools work within our school? She won the category of 'Environment Champion of the Year'!

Mrs Tombling on the Radio!

Click on the link below to listen to Mrs Tombling on the Radio. She was invited to talk about all of her achievements and the work she does at our school. We are extremely proud of her and everyone in school!

Our Eco Code

Get involved! 

Young People's Trust for the Environment

Click here for home learning eco-activities.

Subject Links

When focusing on our Eco Schools work within school, Mrs Tombling and the Eco Council work in close collaboration with our Geography, Science and Outdoor Learning leaders. This is because there are clear and strong links between these subject areas and our Eco Schools vision, values and aims.

We strive for our curriculum to ensure pupils know moreremember more and do more. We continue to ensure pupils are provided with high quality learning experiences which allow them to make links, joins and connections within all areas of learning.

Eco Council Meetings

Our Eco Council meet each week on a Monday. Below you can see some of the things they have been doing and discussing.


We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Fairtrade Schools Fair Achiever award for the third time! Well done to our amazing Eco Council for promoting Fairtrade and to the whole school for embracing our Fairtrade journey. Click here to read the feedback.

To find out more about Fairtrade click here.

Climate Festival

Click this link -  'Our Climate Our Voice' to find photos from the Youth Climate Festival that our school attended in October 2022.Our pupils really enjoyed the day.


We have been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag Award for the 6th year! We achieved a DISTINCTION!

Read our amazing feedback below...

Welcome back to another year at Eco-Schools, we are happy to see you again. Thank you for continuing your Eco-Schools journey. It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet. Your hard work has encouraged more people to join the Eco-Committee this year. Your committee is a strong committee with 3 adults supporting your work.
Involving all the children in the process of completing the Environmental Review is a great practice. It encourages them to take ownership and really understand the aims of the programme. You have rightly picked up the link between biodiversity and science – and as you also mentioned this is a topics that generates interest and in engaging for the children. The planned pond should be great fun and will have many positive impacts for the biodiversity within the surrounding area.
Armed with the information from the review you were able to carve out your road map for this academic year. Within your Action Plan, you have addressed some interesting topics. The topic of transport has many incentives and schemes planned. You have recognised that although the topics you have chosen, you have scored well in, there is still further work to be done. Selecting fun and engaging topics will produce impressive outcomes.
The curriculum examples provided are varied in terms of subject matter and age group. The habitat hunt looking for different insects and animals and their habitats will have been an exciting undertaking. Y1 has the opportunity to dissect the tomato, to harvest the seeds to go on to grow tomatoes. What a great learning journey from seed to plate.
The Eco-Committee has engaged people in what they are doing by conducting assemblies, the school newsletter, social media, and the Youth Climate Panel. Your Eco-Board is appealing – well done. You have worked with some interesting organisations this year. The work with S2R promoting positive mental health is a great charity. Your ability to work with families and S2R and promote peaceful, attractive school grounds has been your outstanding success in 2024.
Litter has proved to be your challenge. You have been working hard with local residents to encourage people to rethink their behaviours and create a litter-free environment. You certainly are taking steps to a greener future if you follow your Eco-Code. The code is simple but effective. We feel sure this is widely spread around the school and on social media. If only we were still children – the trip to Yorkshire Muddings looks like brilliant fun. This trip gives access to an environment that fosters creative, resilient, physical, and independent learning.
Your application really highlights your Eco-Committee’s unwavering determination to create positive impacts in their school, local community, and beyond. They have delivered a fantastic programme of eco-action over the academic year, and we congratulate them for earning an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag with Distinction.

Take a look at what we have been doing so far this year...

Did you know?

We are an official AMBASSADOR SCHOOL for the Ministry of Eco Education!

Click here to find out more about the Ministry of Eco Education.

We can't wait to continue working alongside them this year. Watch this space for our upcoming projects!

Lets Go Zero!

Let’s Go Zero 2030 unites schools working to become carbon zero by 2030. That’s a huge challenge – but transforming schools will help safeguard the planet for future generations. We are so proud to announce that we were asked by them to become a case study school to showcase all of our amazing work. Click on the link below to read the case study added to their official website -