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Religious Education at Diamond Wood

We will provide pupils with a solid foundation in religious understanding and respect for different beliefs. 

Religious Education (RE) plays a vital role in fostering pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. It enables young learners in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1) to gain an understanding and appreciation of different religions and belief systems, promoting tolerance, respect, and empathy. Relgious Education seeks to foster pupils' curiosity, enabling them to ask questions, explore religious texts, artefacts, and rituals, and reflect on their own beliefs and values. 

Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject in itself, developing an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. Religious education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It can develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, other religious traditions and worldviews that offer answers to questions such as these. RE also contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. RE can also make important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education), the humanities, education for sustainable development and others. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others – individually, communally and cross-culturally.

Department for Children, Schools and Families 2010

Enhanced RE: Our Religious Education Curriculum

During the academic year 2024-2025, our school will be transitioning to the newly developed Religious Education (RE) Curriculum, known as 'Enhanced RE'. This curriculum is the product of a dedicated collaboration among RE leaders and specialists within our Academy Trust, ensuring that it is both comprehensive and aligned with contemporary educational standards.

The introduction of the 'Enhanced RE' curriculum is a strategic move to enrich the educational experience of our pupils. It is designed to deepen their understanding of religious, spiritual, and moral issues, which are essential in today’s diverse and interconnected world. The curriculum not only covers the traditional aspects of religious studies but also integrates critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and interfaith dialogue, making it highly relevant to the challenges of the 21st century.

The 'Enhanced RE' curriculum offers several key benefits:

  1. Holistic Development: It promotes the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils, fostering respect for different beliefs and values.

  2. Critical Thinking and Reflection: By encouraging pupils to engage with complex religious and ethical questions, the curriculum enhances their ability to think critically and reflectively.

  3. Interdisciplinary Approach: The curriculum is designed to intersect with other subjects, allowing pupils to see the connections between religious education and broader social, historical, and cultural contexts.

  4. Inclusivity and Diversity: It is inclusive of a wide range of religious traditions and worldviews, ensuring that all pupils feel represented and respected.

  5. Preparation for the Future: The skills and knowledge gained through this curriculum will prepare pupils for the complexities of life in a global society, equipping them to be thoughtful, informed, and compassionate individuals.

For more detailed information about the 'Enhanced RE' curriculum and specific curriculum details, please visit our website here.

Religious Education Policy

We are currently updating our RE Policy in light of changes to our curriculum. We will upload it here as soon as it has been completed.

RE Leaders

Our RE Leades are Mrs Umarji and Miss Nash. They are both very passionate about providing high quality RE learning experiences for all pupils.

If you would like to speak to either of them, email and address the email to her specifically.

RE Timetable

Here at Diamond Wood, we teach Religious Education as a discrete subject in Years 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1). The pupils participate in lessons every week.

 In Nursery and Reception (EYFS) pupils have at least three dedicated key worker sessions or inputs focusing specifically on 'Understanding the World' each half term. During each half term, additional opportunities for children to develop and consolidate their learning are provided during their continuous and enhanced provision time, both indoors and outdoors.


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Collective Worship and Assemblies

The act of collective worship is an integral part of the life of our school and is given a high priority. It will allows pupils the opportunity to reflect and respond to local, national and world issues as well as to develop a growing understanding of different faith and humanist groups. Collective worship also provides an opportunity to address the school community in teaching about British values. Time is dedicated to providing pupils time to celebrate special occasions with each other.

Assemblies are generally every Monday and Friday. On a Monday Mrs T and/or Mrs Price speak to the children about our whole school vision, values, themes and overarching topic for the half term. They will also introduce the Words of the Week for each year group. On a Friday Mrs T and Mrs Price announce our Stars of the Week and Attendance Prize winners. At the end of each assembly the children share the school prayer.

A dedicated Collective Worship time happens in class on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is a protected and non-negotiable time. Discussions take place during year group planning meetings weekly to decide upon focuses and prepare as a team. Focuses include; School Values, Fundamental British Values, Diamond Rules, Singing, Time to Talk/ Show and Tell.  At the end of each collective worship the children share the school prayer.

Developing SMSC within our Religious Education Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we are committed to providing a holistic education that promotes the Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) development of all our pupils. Our religious education curriculum at the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1) plays a crucial role in fostering SMSC development, ensuring that our pupils not only excel academically but also develop into well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of community and moral responsibility. Our approach to promoting SMSC within our EYFS and KS1 RE curriculum encompasses the following elements:

Developing British Values within our Religious Education Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the importance of developing pupils understanding of the fundamental British values within our Religious Education curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1). The table below outlines how we integrate and promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs within our Religious Education curriculum.

Developing the Protected Characteristics within our RE Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we are committed to providing a religious education curriculum that promotes the development of the protected characteristics within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1). Religious Education plays a crucial role in fostering understanding, tolerance, and respect for people of different backgrounds, faiths, beliefs, and identities. By promoting the protected characteristics within our RE curriculum, we ensure that all pupils have equal opportunities to learn about different religions and develop an appreciation for diversity. The following key strategies are implemented within our EYFS and KS1 Religious Education curriculum:

Helping at Home

Hello, parents and carers! Are you looking for ways to support your little ones' Religious Education (RE) development at home? We've got you covered! Here are some helpful tips to engage your Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1) pupils in the fascinating world of RE.

Remember, every child's journey in understanding religion is unique, and embracing diversity is a key aspect of RE education. By implementing these tips, you can actively support your child's development while fostering their appreciation for different beliefs and cultures.

Together, let's flourish in a world of understanding and acceptance! 

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of this subject in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

You can look at some highlights from last year (2023-2024) by clicking here.

If you would like to know any more information about our Religious Education Curriculum here at

Diamond Wood please do not hesitate to get in touch.