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Personal Development at Diamond Wood

We will provide children with a rich, vocabulary and experience-based Personal Development Curriculum. The promotion of discussions in a safe and supportive space, alongside the sharing of supportive key texts, will be at the heart of all units of work. ‘Personal Development’ is the name we have given to the subject previously known as PHSE. This subject also includes learning from the statutory guidance for RSE.

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we really do understand the benefits of a strong Personal Development curriculum. Personal Development is at the centre of our whole school curriculum and underpins everything we do. We stand by our strap line of teaching and supporting children ‘To be the best version of me I can be’. During their time at Diamond Wood Community Academy, we want to inspire and help our children build their confidence, resilience and self esteem. On this path, we hope they are able to learn how to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what truly influences their decisions. From this we hope that on their journey through our school they are able to recognise, accept and share their identities, accommodate to change, manage, understand and communicate their emotions effectively in a variety of settings. Developing these skills will prepare our children for their future endeavours whilst enhancing and strengthening their personal growth as they do so. We know there is a proven link between pupils’ health and wellbeing, and their academic progress. Crucial skills and positive attitudes developed through comprehensive Personal Development education are critical to ensuring children are effective learners.

Click here to read our full Personal Development Vision and Intent statement.

Our School Values

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we have designed a meaningful yet ambitious curriculum which provides all pupils with a broad range of opportunities and experiences which are underpinned by our five core values. These are;

  • Friendship 
  • Respect 
  • Honesty 
  • Co-operation 
  • Responsibility

For more information about our core values and how they are interwoven throughout our curriculum please click here

The core value we are looking at closely this half term is...

Click here to view our Core Values progression of knowledge and attributes map.

What is PHSE? (Known as Personal Development at our school)

PSHE education covers many topics, which are usually organised into three themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World 

Topics in our Personal Development lessons include age-appropriate teaching about;

  • Healthy Lifestyles (e.g. diet, fitness and maintaining good mental health)
  • Relationships, including friendships and families
  • Personal Safety (including online)
  • Growing and Changing
  • Managing Risk and Personal Safety
  • Introduction to Money

The aim of this website page is to provide parents and carers with information and details about what is covered within our ‘Personal Development Curriculum’ and an outline of the planned PSHE education for each year group. This will give you an overview of what your child is being taught, and what is considered age-appropriate for them to be learning in Personal Development lessons. If you have any additional questions or want to look at samples of the teaching materials and resources we use please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Statutory Guidance

The Relationships Education, RSE , and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools.  Health Education is now compulsory in all schools too. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools. 

To look at the statutory guidance directly please click here.  

Curriculum Design: PHSE Association and SCARF Scheme of Work

As a school we have subscribed to the PHSE Association. They are the national body for PSHE education. They are an accredited membership association and charity that support schools with resources, training, guidance and advice. All staff members are able to access their website for support themselves.

To access the PHSE Association click hereTo find out more about our rationale for working alongside the PHSE Association please click here

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we use SCARF (a scheme of learning built around the values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) to provide a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE and Wellbeing education (Personal Development Curriculum). As a scheme of work it covers all of the DfE's new statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education, and the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study’s recommended learning opportunities, as well as contributing to different subject areas in the National Curriculum. 

We follow the six suggested half termly units and adapt the scheme of work where necessary to meet the local circumstances of our school, for example, we may use our local environment as the starting point for aspects of our work. Pupils are also consulted as part of our planning, to ensure pupil voice in considered and fed into the planned programme.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Personal Development education is about making connections; it’s strongly linked to child-led activities, including play. Planned opportunities for Personal Development sequences of learning are focused upon each half term which provides the foundations for future learning in KS1. However, Personal Development is also taught through activities that are part of topics, as well as on an individual basis to develop personal skills such as dressing, feeding and toileting. Positive experiences are built through daily opportunities, to share and enjoy a range of different activities. Children are given the opportunity to engage in social activities, as members of a small group or occasionally during whole-school activities.

To find out more about our rationale for using SCARF please click hereTo access the SCARF website directly please click here.

My Happy Mind Programme

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we are excited to announce the introduction of the My Happy Mind Programme, which will play a significant role in our Personal Development curriculum this academic year and beyond. This innovative programme focuses on promoting positive mental health and well-being among our pupils by equipping them with the tools they need to thrive emotionally and mentally.

The My Happy Mind Programme is designed to empower pupils by teaching them essential skills related to emotional regulation, resilience, and mindfulness. It encourages children to develop a positive mindset, enhance their self-esteem, and build healthy relationships. The curriculum is structured to foster a culture of well-being, enabling pupils to understand and manage their emotions effectively.

We will hold dedicated lessons every Monday, where pupils will engage in interactive activities and discussions centered around key themes such as self-awareness, gratitude, and empathy. These sessions will not only provide a space for pupils to explore their thoughts and feelings but will also encourage them to share experiences and support one another in a safe environment.

Beyond these dedicated sessions, the principles and practices of My Happy Mind will be woven into our daily routines and incorporated throughout the curriculum. This means that teachers will integrate positive mental health practices into their lessons and classroom activities, ensuring that well-being is a continuous focus in every subject area.

The programme also includes resources and activities that encourage mindfulness, such as breathing exercises and positive affirmations, which can be practiced throughout the day. By embedding these practices into the school day, we aim to create a nurturing and supportive environment where students feel valued and empowered to express themselves.

Furthermore, My Happy Mind provides a framework for staff training, allowing teachers to enhance their understanding of mental health issues and learn strategies to support their pupils effectively. We believe that a well-informed staff is crucial to the successful implementation of this programme, and we will offer continuous professional development opportunities related to mental health and well-being.

As part of our commitment to fostering a holistic approach to education, the My Happy Mind Programme will be closely linked with our existing Personal Development curriculum, which is supported by the SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, and Friendship) scheme. Together, these initiatives will create a comprehensive framework that prioritises the emotional and social development of all our pupils.

We are confident that the introduction of the My Happy Mind Programme will enrich our school life, providing our pupils with the necessary skills to navigate life's challenges while promoting a positive and resilient school culture.

For more information speak to a member of staff or click here to visit the official My Happy Mind Website. There are many supportive resources available for parents and carers. We will include some within our newsletters to keep a look out for them.

Position Statement

We are constantly striving to improve our Personal Development Curriculum in order to ensure our intended and implemented teaching and learning opportunities have the maximum impact upon pupil outcomes. 

Click here to read our position statement and find out about our areas for development this year.

Subject Policy

We have developed and produced a Personal Development Policy to ensure our values are applied consistently, define clear expectations, and help provide a framework for staff and pupils alike.

Please click here to view our Personal Development Curriculum policy which has been updated for the academic year 2024-2025.

Personal Development Leader

Our Personal Development Leader is Miss Westall. She is also a Reception teacher and is very passionate about providing high quality Personal Development learning experiences for all pupils.

 If you would like to speak to Mrs Idle, email and address the email to her specifically.

Our Diamond Promises

To download a copy of our Diamond Promises click here.

Our Personal Development Long Term Plan

To download this as a document please click here.

Substantive and Disciplinary Concepts

To access this information as a document please click here.

Personal Development Progression Map

Our Personal Development curriculum progression map has been designed to show how we intend to teach our pupils the substantive, disciplinary and vocabulary knowledge we aim for them to learn, know, remember and do by the end of their time with us here at Diamond Wood.


In designing this progression map we have consulted with our local feeder schools and settings in order to ensure our pupils experiences before and after coming to our school allow for progression of knowledge and skills to be built upon and continue. We have also obtained training and support from the PHSE association which is the national body for PHSE education.


The progression map allows all staff and key stakeholders in school to have a secure understanding of end of year expectations for all year groups.


In addition to using the progression map to guide teaching and learning, our Personal Development subject leader creates half termly Medium Term Plans for all year groups. These plans clearly outline the sequence of teaching and learning which will take place during the particular unit of work (or planned opportunities in Nursery and Reception). This supports our educators in ensuring consistency in approach, opportunity and delivery across school, where we have four classes per year group.


The subject leader also creates and sources high quality resources which support the teaching and learning taking place. Our smartboard lesson aids provide additional planning notes and activity resources which can be accessed by any adults delivering lessons. This supports the continued professional development of our Educational Teaching Assistants, Cover Supervisors and also any supply teachers who work within school. Again, this ensures our high expectations are consistent across school at all times.

 To view our Personal Development curriculum progression map please click here.

Key Vocabulary

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the crucial role that vocabulary plays in pupils’ learning and academic success. As such, we have developed a vocabulary progression map for each subject curriculum to ensure that all our pupils have a strong foundation in subject-specific vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the foundation upon which pupils build their understanding of different subjects. Tier 3 words, which are subject-specific terms, play a particularly significant role in deepening pupils’ knowledge and enabling them to access complex concepts effectively. By explicitly teaching and reinforcing Tier 3 words within each subject, we aim to:

  • Enhance pupils’ comprehension and communication skills.
  • Enable pupils to express themselves accurately and confidently in subject-specific contexts.
  • Facilitate pupils’ ability to independently access and understand subject materials.
  • Support pupils’ critical thinking by developing their subject-specific knowledge and expertise.
  • Improve pupils’ overall academic performance and raise attainment levels.

To view our Personal Development Key Vocabulary Glossary please click here.

Support for Language Development

Key Text Spine

We have developed a key text spine for each curriculum area in our school to enhance the integration of reading into all aspects of our pupils' learning experiences. By carefully selecting texts that align with specific subjects, we support comprehension and retention while making connections between literature and the curriculum.

These key texts will either be introduced within units of work to reinforce learning objectives or recommended by teachers as enjoyable reads for pupils. Each classroom features a designated reading area where these texts are readily accessible, ensuring that children have opportunities to engage with them at least weekly.

Through this initiative, we aim to foster a love of reading, encourage exploration of diverse literature, and build a vibrant reading community that supports essential literacy skills and a lifelong passion for learning.

Click on the images below to view our key text spine and the rationale for our choices. 

Developing SMSC within our Personal Development Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we believe that SMSC development underpins our pupils' overall well-being and happiness. Our Personal Development curriculum promotes the following aspects:


Spiritual Development

  • Encouraging pupils to explore their own beliefs, values, and creativity through various activities such as storytelling, mindfulness exercises, and reflective discussions.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to appreciate the natural and human wonders of the world, fostering a sense of awe and wonder.

Moral Development

  • Developing an understanding of right and wrong, and promoting the values of friendship, respect, honesty, cooperation and responsibility.
  • Encouraging students to consider the consequences of their actions and make informed decisions.

Social Development

  • Teaching skills necessary for effective social interaction, such as listening, communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
  • Promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity, where students respect and appreciate the diversity within our school community.

Cultural Development

  • Celebrating different cultures, religions, and traditions through festivals, food, and creative arts.
  • Promoting mutual respect and understanding of different cultural backgrounds 


Developing the Protected Characteristics within our

Personal Development Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we are committed to creating an inclusive and respectful environment. Our Personal Development curriculum promotes the understanding and appreciation of the protected characteristics through the following approaches:

  • Incorporating stories, discussions, and activities that challenge stereotypes and promote positive attitudes towards all protected characteristics.
  • Embedding equality and diversity throughout the curriculum, ensuring fair representation and the use of inclusive language and resources.
  • Promoting respectful behaviour and encouraging pupils to challenge discrimination and report any incidents appropriately.

Developing British Values within our Personal Development Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we believe in instilling our pupils with a firm understanding and appreciation of British values. Our Personal Development curriculum promotes the following approaches to developing British values:

  • Encouraging pupils to understand and participate in democratic processes, such as class decision-making and voting.
  • Teaching the importance of the rule of law and its role in maintaining a fair society, both within the school and wider community.
  • Promoting individual liberty and personal responsibility, ensuring pupils understand their rights and responsibilities.
  • Fostering an environment of mutual respect and tolerance, providing opportunities for pupils to appreciate and celebrate different faiths, beliefs, and cultures.


Online Safety

Here at Diamond Wood Community Academy, we understand that schools have a dual responsibility when it comes to online safety:

  • To ensure that our online procedures keep children and young people safe.
  • To teach them about online safety, in and outside of school.

For information about our procedures please see our Online Safety Policy and dedicated Online Safety page in the 'about us' section of this website.

How is online safety taught at our school?

Online Safety is covered in all three aspects of our Personal Development curriculum which focuses on the following key concepts:

  • Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Living in the Wider World 

In addition to our Personal Development Curriculum, we teach online safety through our Computing Curriculum.

Click here to view our Online Safety Curriculum Overview.

Our Online Safety Rules Poster is introduced to all pupils in school and provides a visual reminder of ways to keep safe. 

Click here to download a copy of it.

Further support for Parents and Carers

As a parent/carer you are your child’s first educator and play a vital role in their personal and social development. Therefore, PSHE/ Personal Development education should always be a partnership between schools and parents/carers. The following information aims to support you to contribute to your child’s PSHE/ Personal Development education outside of school. As a parent or carer you will already have talked to your child about (or had to support them with) many of the topics and issues covered in Personal Development education, so you may also wish to supplement this learning with further discussions of your own. Sometimes Personal Development education conversations with your child will arise incidentally, when you playing or cooking together, when you are watching television or films, or through news stories. In such cases we cannot always control the stimulus for the question or conversation, only how we manage it. Other times, you may wish to initiate a conversation about a topic you feel is important to approach. The following principles apply to teaching PD education in school, but can also apply when covering this content or supporting your child’s learning at home:

It can be helpful to start talking about a PD topic using a stimulus — such as a storybook, film, news article, scenario or case study. It is important that any stimulus is chosen very carefully. Always ensure that the story/article/scenario you are using does not

  • Include content, such as graphic, violent or gruesome images that might upset, shock or frighten young people 
  • Focus on extreme behaviours by providing worst case scenarios. This tends to make young people think ‘that will never happen to me!’
  • Unwittingly instruct young people in unhealthy or unsafe behaviour
  • Encourage children to explore topics online, which if unsupervised might lead them to inappropriate or harmful websites/platforms 

Instead, any stimulus you choose should:

  • Provide positive messages about how children and young people can stay healthy and safe
  • Be accurate, non-biased and balanced, for example only using reliable sources for information
  • Reflect modern day society and actively seek to address or challenge stereotypes

Consulting with Key Stakeholders

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we really do understand the benefits of a strong Personal Development curriculum.  Therefore it is important that prior to implementing our revised curriculum we covered all aspects and queries with key stakeholders. Below is a table highlighting each of the stakeholders and the ways in which we communicated and delivered information effectively prior implementation.

To download a copy of this document please click here.

Useful Websites

Parent Zone is a parenting organisation working to make the online world a safer, more positive place for families and children.


Place2Be is a pioneer in early intervention. They help schools, parents and carers to understand and identify mental health problems, enable children and young people to focus on learning and give them tools to cope with challenges throughout their lives.


The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.


Childnet is a UK-based charity who empower children, young people, and those who support them in their online lives, and its mission is to work with others to make the internet a great and safe place for children and young people.

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of this subject in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

In addition, feel free to take a look at some posts from last year (2023-2024) by clicking here.

If you would like to know any more information about our Personal Development Curriculum here at

Diamond Wood please do not hesitate to get in touch.