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Parent/Carer Survey Results

July 2024 Parent/Carer Questionnaire

In July 2024 we asked parents/carers what they felt our achievements were this academic year.  Here are the main responses that we received:



  • Raising aspirations
  • Playtimes and lunchtimes
  • Teaching
  • Help I get from staff
  • Opportunities to shine
  • Communication with parents
  • Children's confidence growing
  • Amazing achievements
  • Academic progress
  • Supportive feedback

We also asked parents/carers how they feel we can improve further.  Here are some of responses:


  • Lunchtimes and play times
  • The outside of school
  • Extra notice when events are happening

January 2024 Survey

We are delighted to share with you the very positive findings from our Parent/Carer Survey held in January 2024.

A total of 142 out of 377 parents/carers responded.



98% of parents/carers agree that school listen to any concerns I may have and deals with them properly.

96% of parents/carers agree that the school is well led and managed.

97% of parents/carers agree that they are communicated well with by school. 



97% of parents/carers agree that the quality of education is of a high standard.

96% of parents/carers agree that they receive valuable information from school on their child’s progress.

99% of parents/carers agree that their child is making good progress and is motivated to learn.

90% of parents/carers agree that their child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.  

94% of parents/carers agree that the school has high expectations for their child.

96% of parents/carers agree that there is a good range of subjects available for their child at this school.

100% of parents/carers agree that their SEND child has the support they need to succeed.



97% of parents/carers agree that their child is well looked after at this school.

99% of parents/carers agree that their child feels safe at this school.

100% of parents/carers agree that their child is happy at this school.

91% of parents/carers agree that the school supports their child's wider personal development.

92% of parents/carers would recommend this school to another parent.

94% of parents/carers agree that the school has a good reputation in the local community.



98% of parents/carers agree that the school makes sure behaviour is good.

Where parents/carers feel that bullying had occurred in school, 85% agreed that school dealt with it effectively.

Is there anything in particular you would change about the school?

Answers provided by Mrs Titherington, Head Teacher. 


Parents comments on how we can further improve Head Teacher's Response

 Parking wardens are needed in the morning.

Local traffic police have been contacted regularly by school.  Staff are on the gates every morning encouraging safe parking.  Traffic wardens have attended at times.


Strict with attendance at year year (Year 1). 



Unfortunately, attendance is a whole school priority.  Children must be in school in order to learn.  We will continue to monitor and do our very best to work with parents to promote attendance.


Pick up and drop off times could be the same across school.


There is a five minute gap between Reception drop off and Key Stage 1 to allow parents time to drop their other children off first.



They need a bigger playground. Unfortunately, we are unable to create any further space due to the location of the school. 


You should ask parents, instead of the child, about what food they would like.


We ask the children to choose their own lunch at register time to encourage independence.  If there was an issue where children were not eating we would always inform the parent and consult with them about their child's likes and dislikes.


Let the children have more breaktimes.

The children have a morning break and a full hour for lunchtime.  We could not fit any further breaks in and fit in all the lessons required.  In addition to this, children often have short breaks in class, such as time to complete a 'Go Noodle' Dance.

School Jotter App

Only 85% of respondents have downloaded our Jotter App.  If you have not downloaded the app, scan in the QR code below and choose Diamond Wood Community Academy.

Letters and Newsletters are still the most useful sources of information to parents/carers, but it is fantastic to see that parents/carers have downloaded our School Jotter app and find the app messages useful.

We are encouraged to see that you have such open communication with our staff and that you are happy to approach us with any questions you may have.

Overall, not a high number of parents/carers are accessing the website.  The address is:

What do you think we are good at?

  • Good communication with parents, giving them plenty of reassurance.
  • Overall, well managed school and best support for any safeguarding issues.
  • Supporting my child with learning as she needed extra support and the communication at the school is very good.
  • Going the extra mile and welcoming parents.
  • Teaching children through play.  Staying in contact with parents. Helping the children learn, motivate them and encourage them to be good readers.
  • Involving parents in activities with children.  Keeping parents informed about what is going on in school.
  • If I have a problem with school, they are very good in dealing with it. Good communication through the school jotter app.
  • Understanding and supporting parents as well as children.
  • Listen to concerns and deal with them effectively.
  • Teaching the subjects and encouraging children to read/write and go through what they do at school at home.
  • Giving children the best opportunities.
  • School lunches, learning, communication, culture appreciation.
  • Communication both with parent and child.