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History at Diamond Wood

At Diamond Wood Community Academy we will provide children with rich,

vocabulary based and ‘hands on’ History curriculum. 

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we believe that History plays a vital role in children’s learning. As a subject itself, it offers children essential experiences. Our youngest children learn that they have similarities and differences that connect them to, and distinguish them from others. This learning will then support pupils in developing their communication skills and encourages them to talk about their lives, making comparisons, and showing interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them. They are encouraged to remember and talk about significant events in their own lives and experience. Click here to read our full History vision and intent statement.

A high-quality History education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time
National Curriculum (2014)

Position Statement

We are constantly striving to improve our History Curriculum in order to ensure our intended and implemented teaching and learning opportunities have the maximum impact upon pupil outcomes. 

Click here to read our position statement and find out about our areas for development this year.

History Timetable

Here at Diamond Wood, we teach History as a discrete subject in Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1). The pupils participate in lessons every fortnight. During the week they do not have a discrete lesson they are taught Geography. However, History retrieval sessions will take place too.

In Nursery and Reception (EYFS) pupils have at least three dedicated key worker sessions  or inputs focusing specifically on History each half term. During each half term, additional opportunities for children to develop and consolidate their learning are provided during their continuous and enhanced provision time, both indoors and outdoors.

History Leader

Our History Leader is Mrs Idle. She is also a Year 1 teacher and is very passionate about providing high quality History learning experiences for all pupils.


If you would like to speak to Mrs Idle, email and address the email to her specifically.

Statutory Requirements

The National Curriculum for History sets out the statutory guidance for teaching computing to KS1 pupils. Our History curriculum has been designed to ensure children learn the required knowledge and skills set out by the National Curriculum for History. 


To view the statutory guidance for History click here.


The Early Years Foundation Stage framework provides guidance for teachers focusing on developing children's awareness of the past and present within the Early Years (Nursery and Reception). The main areas for learning which are focused upon to provide the building blocks for future 'History' learning are as follows;

  • Understanding the World (Past and Present)
  • Communication and Language

For more information on how these areas of learning have been built into our history curriculum please see our progression map below.

History Policy

We have developed and produced a History Policy to ensure our values are applied consistently, define clear expectations, and help provide a framework for staff and pupils alike. Please click here to view our History Curriculum policy which has been updated for the academic year 2024-2025.

Historical Association

As a school we have subscribed to the Historical Association. They are the UK National Charity for History and support History teaching and learning at all levels. The subject leader for History receives regular updates from them and attends relevant training courses which support her as a leader but in turn the teaching of History within school. All staff members are able to access their website for support themselves.

To access the Historical Association click here.

History Long Term Plan

Substantive and Disciplinary Concepts

To download this information as a document click here.

History Progression Map

Our History curriculum progression map has been designed to show how we intend to teach our pupils the substantive, disciplinary and vocabulary knowledge we aim for them to learn, know, remember and do by the end of their time with us here at Diamond Wood.


In designing this progression map we have consulted with our local feeder schools and settings in order to ensure our pupils experiences before and after coming to our school allow for progression of knowledge and skills to be built upon and continue.


The progression map allows all staff and key stakeholders in school to have a secure understanding of end of year expectations for all year groups.


In addition to using the progression map to guide teaching and learning, our History subject leader creates half termly Medium Term Plans for all year groups. These plans clearly outline the sequence of teaching and learning which will take place during the particular unit of work (or planned opportunities in Nursery and Reception). This supports our educators in ensuring consistency in approach, opportunity and delivery across school, where we have four classes per year group.


The subject leader also creates and sources high quality resources which support the teaching and learning taking place. Our smartboard lesson aids provide additional planning notes and activity resources which can be accessed by any adults delivering lessons. This supports the continued professional development of our Educational Teaching Assistants, Cover Supervisors and also any supply teachers who work within school. Again, this ensures our high expectations are consistent across school at all times.


To view our History curriculum progression map please click here.

Key Vocabulary

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the crucial role that vocabulary plays in pupils’ learning and academic success. As such, we have developed a vocabulary progression map for each subject curriculum to ensure that all our pupils have a strong foundation in subject-specific vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the foundation upon which pupils build their understanding of different subjects. Tier 3 words, which are subject-specific terms, play a particularly significant role in deepening pupils’ knowledge and enabling them to access complex concepts effectively. By explicitly teaching and reinforcing Tier 3 words within each subject, we aim to:

  • Enhance pupils’ comprehension and communication skills.
  • Enable pupils to express themselves accurately and confidently in subject-specific contexts.
  • Facilitate pupils’ ability to independently access and understand subject materials.
  • Support pupils’ critical thinking by developing their subject-specific knowledge and expertise.
  • Improve pupils’ overall academic performance and raise attainment levels.

To view our History Key Vocabulary Glossary please click here.

Key Text Spine

We have developed a key text spine for each curriculum area in our school to enhance the integration of reading into all aspects of our pupils' learning experiences. By carefully selecting texts that align with specific subjects, we support comprehension and retention while making connections between literature and the curriculum.

These key texts will either be introduced within units of work to reinforce learning objectives or recommended by teachers as enjoyable reads for pupils. Each classroom features a designated reading area where these texts are readily accessible, ensuring that children have opportunities to engage with them at least weekly.

Through this initiative, we aim to foster a love of reading, encourage exploration of diverse literature, and build a vibrant reading community that supports essential literacy skills and a lifelong passion for learning.

To view our Key Text Spine for History click here.

Learn to speak like a Historian...

Enriching the Curriculum

As a school, we provide many opportunities to enrich our curriculum. Opportunities for enrichment are fully utilised, to ensure a fully inclusive and engaging History Curriculum. This is supported through a number of links with places of historical interest in the immediate and wider locality which engage the children further through contextual and practical learning activities.

Carry My Story 

Carry My Story Carry My Story is a Kirklees school-linking programme which provides the opportunity for children to explore their own identities and learn about others. The children are visited by local people who come into school to ‘tell their story’ and explain how they are a part of their community. This not only supports the children’s learning and development but also helps to create strong community links.

Click here to visit our dedicated CMS webpage and find out more about it in action at DWCA.

Language of the Half Term

Our Language of the Half-term initiative provides additional opportunities for children to develop and deepen their historical knowledge, understanding, and skills. Although the focus is primarily on learning about different languages, there are of course planned opportunities to learn about different cultures, traditions and backgrounds of the counties involved. Children learn about significant people that live in or were born in the different counties. The languages selected reflect the different heritages of our pupils and their families.

All classrooms have a world map displayed. Teachers are responsible for making sure all resources are up to date. The class map which is displayed is viewed as a ‘working’ display that supports children’s historical learning in school. All of the significant people, places and events they learn about are highlighted on the map. Post-it notes are also added that include samples of pupil voice. Comments may be added about what children know, what can they remember, and when they learned about that person, place or event.

Click here to visit our dedicated Language of the Half Term webpage and find out more about it in action at DWCA.

Developing SMSC within our History Curriculum

Social Development

Our history curriculum fosters opportunities for collaboration, teamwork, and social interaction through group discussions, role-playing, and collaborative projects. Pupils are encouraged to work together, listen to each other's opinions, and demonstrate empathy towards differing perspectives

Moral Development

Our history curriculum encourages pupils to explore moral dilemmas and consider ethical issues within historical contexts. Pupils will analyse the actions of historical figures, critically evaluate moral choices, and develop their own sense of right and wrong.

Spiritual Development

Through the study of historical events, individuals, and civilizations, our history curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to reflect on the human experience, beliefs, and values. Pupils will develop their understanding of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives, fostering a sense of spirituality and empathy

Cultural Development

Our history curriculum celebrates the rich cultural diversity within Britain and the wider world. Pupils will explore different cultures, traditions, and heritage, promoting mutual respect and understanding. We ensure inclusivity by showcasing contributions from historically underrepresented groups and challenging stereotypes.

Developing the Protected Characteristics within our History Curriculum

Our history curriculum ensures that both male and female perspectives, achievements, and contributions are fully represented. We integrate the stories of significant historical figures, events, and movements that have impacted both genders, highlighting equality and challenging any gender biases that may exist. Our history curriculum actively promotes an understanding of different races, ethnicities, and cultural identities. We include a diverse range of historical narratives, experiences, and contributions from various racial and ethnic backgrounds. This fosters a sense of belonging, encourages respect for all identities, and challenges stereotypes and discrimination. Our history curriculum integrates the experiences and contributions of individuals with disabilities throughout history. We highlight the challenges they faced and the significance of their accomplishments, demonstrating resilience and promoting inclusivity. We also ensure that our teaching resources are accessible to all pupils, making necessary adaptations when required. Our history curriculum explores the impact of different religious and belief systems on historical events, societies, and individuals. We provide opportunities for pupils to understand and respect diverse religious and non-religious perspectives, fostering tolerance and dialogue.

Developing British Values within our History Curriculum

Our history curriculum actively promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. These values are embedded throughout our teaching and learning activities, ensuring our pupils fully understand and embrace their significance. We achieve this through


Pupils will begin to develop an understanding of the democratic process and the importance of respecting different viewpoints

The Rule of Law

Pupils will learn about the principles of justice, fairness, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and societies

Individual Liberty

Pupils will begin to explore the historical struggles for freedom and equality. They will begin to develop an appreciation for individual liberty, human rights, and the importance of personal freedoms within society

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Through the study of diverse historical narratives and cultural perspectives, pupils will develop an understanding of mutual respect and tolerance. They will learn to appreciate and celebrate different cultures, beliefs, and traditions, fostering a harmonious and inclusive learning environment.

Helping from Home: Nursery and Reception

  • Historical Dress-up - Encourage children to dress up as historical figures, such as knights, queens, or famous explorers. Prompt discussions about their role in history and how they lived.


  • Family Tree - Help children create a simple family tree to understand their place in their family's history. Discuss grandparents' and older relatives' memories to enhance their understanding of the past.


  • Traditional Toys - Introduce children to traditional toys from the past, such as spinning tops or wooden dolls. Encourage them to compare them with modern toys, discussing changes over time.


  • Local History Walk - Take children on a local history walk, pointing out significant landmarks or buildings. Encourage them to ask questions about their purpose and historical context.


  • Historical Storytelling - Read and discuss age-appropriate historical stories and legends, such as tales of mythical creatures or historical events. Encourage children to retell the stories in their own words.

Helping from Home: Year 1 and Year 2

  • Time Capsule - Assist children in creating a time capsule containing objects or written memories that represent their current lives. Discuss how these items might be interpreted by future historians.


  • Historical Recipes - Choose recipes from different historical periods and help children recreate them with adult supervision. Discuss changes in ingredients, cooking methods, and the availability of food throughout history.


  • Famous Figures Research - Encourage children to research a famous historical figure. They can create a fact file or even dress up and present their findings to the family.


  • Visit Local Museums - Plan visits to local museums or historical sites, if possible, and discuss artefacts and exhibitions with children. Encourage them to ask questions and share their observations.


  • Understanding Timelines - Help children create simple timelines illustrating important historical events they have learned about. Discuss the chronological order and the significance of each event.

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of this subject in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

You can look at some highlights from last year (2023-2024) by clicking here.

If you would like to know any more information about our History Curriculum here at Diamond Wood please do not hesitate to get in touch.