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Mathematics at Diamond Wood

Diamond Maths at Diamond Wood is truly unique!

The Government says that “The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.” 

Therefore…Diamond Wood Community Academy says: 


Click here to read our Maths Vision and Intent statement.

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of
enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

National Curriculum 2014

Position Statement

We are constantly striving to improve our Maths Curriculum in order to ensure our intended and implemented teaching and learning opportunities have the maximum impact upon pupil outcomes. 

Click here to read our position statement and find out about our areas for development this year.

Maths Timetable

Here at Diamond Wood, Maths is taught daily to all pupils. In Nursery and Reception (EYFS) additional opportunities for children to develop and consolidate their learning are provided during their continuous and enhanced provision time, both indoors and outdoors.

Maths Leader

Our Maths Leader is Miss Fox. She is also a Year 2 teacher and Year Group Leader. Miss Fox is very passionate about providing high quality maths learning experiences for all pupils.

If you would like to speak to Miss Fox, email and address the email to her specifically.

Our Approach

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we take pride in providing our children with a broad and balanced maths curriculum. As a school, we have taken the decision to invest in and implement the ‘White Rose Maths’ scheme of work.

White Rose Maths is a progressive scheme, which ensures that learning from the previous year is built on and extended in a fun, engaging, and diverse manner. 

Click here to read our rationale for adopting the White Rose Maths scheme of work.

Maths Policy

We have developed and produced a Maths policy to ensure our values are applied consistently, define clear expectations, and help provide a framework for staff and pupils alike.

Please click here to view our Maths Curriculum policy which has been updated for the academic year 2024-2025.

Statutory Requirements

The National Curriculum for Maths sets out the statutory guidance for teaching Maths to KS1 pupils. Our Maths curriculum has been designed to ensure children learn the required knowledge and skills set out by the National Curriculum for Maths. 

To view the statutory guidance for Maths click here.


The Early Years Foundation Stage framework provides guidance for teachers focusing on developing children's mathematical awareness and skills within the Early Years (Nursery and Reception). The main areas for learning which are focused upon to provide the building blocks for future 'maths' learning are as follows;

  • Number
  • Numerical Patterns

Understanding Number

In mathematics, number is all about counting and knowing how many of something there are. We use numbers to measure, compare, and add things together. When we talk about number in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), we are interested in helping pupils to develop a strong foundation in understanding how numbers work.

Exploring Numerical Patterns

Numerical patterns are like sequences of numbers that follow a certain rule or pattern. They can be repetition of numbers or a sequence that changes in a predictable way. Understanding numerical patterns helps pupils to predict what comes next and see relationships between numbers. It's a bit like solving a puzzle!

Our Maths Long Term Overview

Substantive and Disciplinary Concepts

To download this information as a document please click here.

Maths Programme of Study and Progression Map

Our maths curriculum progression map has been designed to show how we intend to teach our pupils the declarative, procedural, conditional and vocabulary knowledge we aim for them to learn, know, remember and do by the end of their time with us here at Diamond Wood.


In designing this progression map we have consulted with our local feeder schools and settings in order to ensure our pupils experiences before and after coming to our school allow for progression of knowledge and skills to be built upon and continue.


The progression map allows all staff and key stakeholders in school to have a secure understanding of end of year expectations for all year groups.


In addition to using the progression map to guide teaching and learning, our teachers create half termly Medium Term Plans. These plans clearly outline the sequence of teaching and learning which will take place during the particular unit of work (or planned opportunities in Nursery and Reception). This supports our educators in ensuring consistency in approach, opportunity and delivery across school, where we have four classes per year group.


Teachers also create and source high quality resources which support the teaching and learning taking place. Our smartboard lesson aids provide additional planning notes and activity resources which can be accessed by any adults delivering lessons. This supports the continued professional development of our Educational Teaching Assistants, Cover Supervisors and also any supply teachers who work within school. Again, this ensures our high expectations are consistent across school at all times.

To view our Maths Programme of Study please click here.

To view our Maths Curriculum progression map please click here.

Learn to speak like a Mathematician...

Our Number Formation Posters

Learning to form numbers correctly is essential for young learners, setting the stage for mathematical understanding and success. This is because:

  • Foundation for Mathematical Understanding: Learning to form numbers correctly lays the foundation for children to understand the numerical system and develop their mathematical skills. It enables them to differentiate between digits, comprehend place value, and reason about numbers accurately.  
  • Improves Hand-Eye Coordination: Practicing the correct formation of numbers helps improve children's hand-eye coordination as they learn to control their pencil movements. This fine motor skill development is crucial for a variety of everyday tasks, including writing, drawing, and other activities requiring precision.  
  • Facilitates Efficient Calculation: Understanding how numbers are formed supports efficient calculation. When children can quickly and accurately recall and write numbers, they are better equipped to perform mental and written calculations, solving problems with greater ease and accuracy.  
  • Promotes Visual Memory: Memorising the formation of numbers aids in the development of visual memory skills. When children can recall the visual patterns of numbers easily, it enhances their ability to recognise and remember numbers when encountered in different contexts, such as in mathematical equations or word problems.  
  • Enhances Communication: Learning to form numbers correctly promotes effective communication between pupils, teachers, and peers. When numbers are written clearly and accurately, misunderstandings and misinterpretations are minimised, ensuring accurate data representation and exchange of information.  
  • Prepares pupils for Key Stage 2: Mastering number formation in EYFS and KS1 provides a strong foundation for the more complex mathematical concepts that pupils will encounter in Key Stage 2. By consolidating number formation skills at an early stage, pupils are better prepared to tackle higher-level mathematical operations and problem-solving challenges. 

Our use of personalised formation sayings (see posters below) ensures a consistent and engaging approach that supports young learners well. This is because of the following reasons:

  • Memorable and Engaging: Our formation sayings have been carefully crafted to be memorable and engaging for young learners, motivating them to practice number formation.  
  • Consistency: By using our own formation sayings, we ensure consistency in the teaching of number formation throughout our school. This allows for a progressive and coherent approach to be adopted, supporting pupils' understanding and providing a seamless transition between year groups.

To download the posters to support your child at home please click here.

Developing SMSC within our Maths Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we are committed to providing a holistic education that promotes the Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural (SMSC) development of all our pupils. Our maths curriculum plays a crucial role in fostering SMSC development, ensuring that our pupils not only excel academically but also develop into well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of community and moral responsibility. Through promoting SMSC development within our EYFS and KS1 Maths curriculum, we aim to provide our pupils with a rich and meaningful mathematical education, preparing them for future learning and success in an increasingly complex world. The table below outlines how we promote SMSC within our maths curriculum.

Developing British Values within our Maths Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the importance of promoting British values in all aspects of education, including our mathematics curriculum. These values are fundamental to our multicultural society and contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who are respectful, tolerant, and contribute positively to their community. The table below outlines how each of the British values is promoted within our EYFS and KS1 maths curriculum.

Developing the Protected Characteristics within our Maths Curriculum

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we understand the importance of promoting and celebrating diversity and equality within all curriculum areas including mathematics. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive learning environment that respects and values the protected characteristics. Our maths curriculum actively promotes the protected characteristics in order to develop well-rounded individuals who appreciate and embrace diversity. Promoting protected characteristics within our EYFS and KS1 maths curriculum is crucial for several reasons:

Helping at Home

As parents and carers, we play a crucial role in supporting our children's education, especially when it comes to maths! Whether your little ones are in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) or Key Stage 1 (KS1), here are some handy tips to help you foster their love for numbers and boost their maths development at home. 

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of this subject in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

If you would like to know any more information about our Maths Curriculum here at

Diamond Wood please do not hesitate to get in touch.