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Outdoor Learning at Diamond Wood 

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the vital role that outdoor learning plays in the holistic development of our pupils. Our Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum is designed to provide frequent and regular opportunities for children to explore and learn in a safe, supportive outdoor environment. This commitment is rooted in the understanding that outdoor learning is not an optional extra but an essential component of a well-rounded education.


In recent years, societal changes have led to reduced access to outdoor environments for many children, exacerbated by increased safety concerns and the rise of sedentary indoor activities. For many of our pupils, outdoor play within the school setting may be their only chance to engage in safe and free play, develop risk assessment skills, and nurture their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Our Curriculum Vision

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, our vision is “A Place to Grow, A Place to Shine.” Within our Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum, we strive to develop outdoor explorers who are actively growing and branching out! This vision emphasises our commitment to nurturing curiosity, confidence, and resilience in every child, empowering them to explore the world around them.

Wild Passport

We are honoured to have been runners-up for the Arthur Halliwell Award in 2023. This prestigious recognition highlights our commitment to fostering a rich outdoor learning environment for our pupils. As part of this achievement, we received the Wild Passport, which is an outdoor learning curriculum specifically designed to evidence learner progression. The Wild Passport provides a structured framework that empowers educators to facilitate outdoor learning experiences that are meaningful, engaging, and impactful.

The Wild Passport is not just a curriculum but a comprehensive resource that supports educators in planning and delivering progressive outdoor learning experiences that align with the educational needs of pupils. It encompasses a wide range of activities that promote environmental awareness, practical skills, and social development. This recognition reflects our dedication to creating a curriculum that prioritises experiential learning and encourages pupils to connect with nature.

While we have integrated many elements of the Wild Passport into our programme, we have selectively chosen the most impactful components to align with our pupils’ specific needs and context. Given our unique challenges, including tight curriculum time and a diverse pupil population, we focus on key areas that foster holistic development and engagement.

Our planned progression and spiral curriculum are designed to maximise the implementation of outdoor learning. By revisiting concepts and skills at increasing levels of complexity, we ensure that pupils build on their knowledge and experiences over time. This thoughtful approach supports their development as outdoor explorers, encouraging curiosity, resilience, and a deeper understanding of their environment. By leveraging the resources and frameworks offered through the Wild Passport, we enhance our outdoor learning enrichment curriculum, making it a vital part of our educational offerings.

Curriculum Objectives

Our curriculum is designed with the following key objectives:

  • Support Healthy Lifestyles: Outdoor learning fosters physical activity, freedom of movement, and well-being.
  • Enhance Environmental Understanding: Children gain direct experiences with the natural world, understanding the interdependence of ecosystems.
  • Foster Problem-Solving and Creativity: Engaging with the outdoors nurtures imaginative thinking and resourcefulness.
  • Encourage Social Development: Outdoor activities promote teamwork, confidence, and self-esteem.
  • Address Diverse Learning Needs: Our curriculum is tailored to meet the unique challenges faced by our pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds or who speak English as an additional language (EAL).
  • Enhance Oracy Skills: Our curriculum focuses on oracy, ensuring that pupils develop speaking, listening, and communication skills essential for effective expression and interaction.

Curriculum Design

Our Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum is structured around seasonal themes that provide a coherent and progressive framework for learning. This structure is designed to ensure that our pupils can revisit, remember, and build on their knowledge and skills throughout their educational journey.

Key Vocabulary

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we recognise the crucial role that vocabulary plays in pupils’ learning and academic success. As such, we have developed a vocabulary progression map for each curriculum area to ensure that all our pupils have a strong foundation in subject-specific vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the foundation upon which pupils build their understanding of different subjects. Tier 3 words, which are subject-specific terms, play a particularly significant role in deepening pupils’ knowledge and enabling them to access complex concepts effectively. By explicitly teaching and reinforcing Tier 3 words within each subject, we aim to:

  • Enhance pupils’ comprehension and communication skills.
  • Enable pupils to express themselves accurately and confidently in subject-specific contexts.
  • Facilitate pupils’ ability to independently access and understand subject materials.
  • Support pupils’ critical thinking by developing their subject-specific knowledge and expertise.
  • Improve pupils’ overall academic performance and raise attainment levels.

To view our Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum Key Vocabulary Glossary please click here.

Autumn Term

Why Nature and Environment Activities?

These activities promote curiosity, observational skills, and an understanding of the natural world. They are essential for building a foundation of environmental stewardship, which is crucial for developing responsible global citizens.

Outdoor Learning Leader

Our Outdoor Learning Leader is Mrs Tombling. She is also an Early Years Teacher and is very passionate about providing high quality outdoor learning experiences for all pupils. Mrs Tombling is also our Science and Eco Schools Leader.

If you would like to speak to Mrs Tombling, email and address the email to her specifically.

Spring Term

Why Den and Shelter Building?

Constructing shelters encourages teamwork, problem-solving, and creative thinking. These skills are vital for social development and foster a sense of belonging and community among pupils.

Why Fire and Cooking Experiences? 

These activities provide opportunities for pupils to learn about safety, responsibility, and healthy eating. They also facilitate a practical application of science, enhancing their understanding of how things work in the natural world.

Connections with Specialists

At Diamond Wood Community Academy, we actively seek connections with specialists in outdoor learning and environmental education to enrich our curriculum. Collaborations with organisations such as the Ministry of Eco Education, Eco Schools, and Fair Trade enhance our commitment to fostering environmental stewardship and sustainability. Our leader for these initiatives, who also serves as our Science and Eco Schools Leader, plays a crucial role in integrating these elements into our curriculum. This dual expertise ensures that our outdoor learning experiences are not only educational but also aligned with best practices in environmental education.

Furthermore, we maintain strong links with our Geography Leader, which allows us to create cohesive and interdisciplinary learning opportunities. Together, we design projects that connect geographical concepts with outdoor experiences, deepening pupils' understanding of their environment. This collaborative approach truly enriches our Outdoor Learning ‘Enrichment’ Curriculum, providing a well-rounded educational experience that promotes active citizenship and a profound appreciation for the natural world.

Our Outdoor Learning Enrichment Curriculum at Diamond Wood Community Academy is a vital part of our educational philosophy, grounded in the recognition of each pupil’s unique needs and potential.

By fostering a connection with nature and prioritising experiential learning, we empower our pupils to develop essential life skills, resilience, and a sense of responsibility towards their environment and community.

As we continue to implement and enhance our curriculum, we remain committed to creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where every child can thrive, grow, and shine. Together, we will cultivate a generation of outdoor explorers who appreciate the value of their surroundings and contribute positively to the world.

Summer Term

Why Woodcraft and Creative Expression?

Engaging with natural materials allows pupils to explore their creativity while developing fine motor skills. This hands-on approach to learning enhances their ability to express themselves and understand the world around them.

We are an Eco School!

We strive for our curriculum to ensure pupils know more and remember more. We continue to ensure pupils are provided with high quality learning experiences which allow them to make links, joins and connections within all areas of learning.

To visit our Eco Schools page click here

Come back to visit this webpage at the end of Autumn 1 to see some snapshots of our Wild Passport in action.

Alternatively, visit our school 'X' page where staff will be posting updates throughout the half term.

In addition, feel free to take a look at some posts from last year (2023-2024) by clicking here.

For more information please contact Mrs Tombling by emailing

and addressing the email to her specifically.